Currently we hold our meetings eleven out of twelve months of the year, excluding December. Full Committee meetings are held the month of the primary election as well as October, the other nine meetings are Executive Committee meetings. All are welcome to attend. They are held at 7 PM on the second Monday of the month at the New Milford Borough Building located at 948 Main Street New Milford PA. There is also always a zoom option available, if you would like to attend via zoom, please contact us at [email protected] for the link.
For the zoom meetings, please note that there is no simple way that can be set up and disassembled easily in the short time allotted to have two microphones, so those in the back of the room may be hard to hear. We will ask those that attend in person to speak up, and advise those that choose to attend via zoom to consider turning your volume up if it’s not already at maximum so they can be heard. We use a separate wired usb mic and NOT the one in the webcam. Asking for the camera to be moved will have no effect on sound. Ask for the microphone to be moved
If you are interested in attending one of our subcommittee meetings, please reach out to us at [email protected] for more information